Raul Freitas

Que Será, Será!


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Predictions, forecasts, best guesses, gut feelings… in the end it’s all the same; opining about something that we can’t possibly know. The future is funny that way, as much as many would love to be able to predict it, they can’t. Even if we could look into our crystal ball and see what was to come over the 365.2422 days that follow December 31rst, 11:59 pm, many would spend the rest of the year trying to change what they saw. Nonetheless, as humans, our curiosity usually gets the better of us, and there´s nothing more intriguing than what the not-so-distant future might have in store.

Without question, it will bring more of the same; suppliers and retailers will be riding inflation’s coat tails, raising prices until they feel their deception is in danger of becoming the talk of the town, which is bad for shareholders. The stock market gamers will continue to man their consoles, politicos will continue to claim whatever is more convenient at the time, and the rest of us will either keep on mumbling under our breath in disdain and/or pretending there’s nothing we can do to change the course of anything.

As for myself, I´ll be perched on a wire hoping for signs that I’m wrong in my predictions, and that some of the nonsense we live with will actually cease to be and in its place will be change that is actually and verifiably good for all of us. Wouldn’t that be something! Unfortunately, after quite a few years in this world, I have a very cynical, sarcastic view of the way the world works, and I don’t believe anything will change until it has no choice. Force is the only measure with which those that are controlling the strings will listen. And like I’ve said in the past, the rest of us will only get up and do something when we get to a point where we have no choice. Again, I hope to be absolutely incorrect, and that a Disneyesque forecast is in store for all of us, which would be splendid.

In the end, I’m sure the best we could hope for is a stable and more comfortable way to live out our lives, for there to be free and plentiful healthcare, education that actually feeds the mind and teaches it to grow independently, enough of the necessary goods and services to keep us on our quest and unity, which will not allow for anyone to fall into unwanted and unexpected rabbit holes.

The simple things in life are what bring real happiness, something that markets and their marketeers cringe at, because fairness and equality ruins the dreams of those who prefer to look from up on high instead of rubbing shoulders with humanity. Since for there to be light, there must be dark, there will always be cons to go with the pros, but it would really nice if we all had an equal say, or representatives that came from our ranks and pulled for our ranks; essentially, it would be nice if there were no ranks and that whatever any individual was born to be or create, was supported by all his or her peers, without judgement. Judgement, there’s a word that should have been considered by Oxford. At least it passes the guideline of being an actual word, and one that people recognize.
Fiquem bem.

Raul Freitas/MS

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