Brittany Martins
“The biggest barrier for individuals such as myself who were raised in a traditional household but not a part of a club is visibility. The Portuguese are a big community but compared to others, small and often forgotten.”Brittany Martins, 26 years
Club affiliation, if any?
No club affiliations in the sense of having a membership.
Typical weekend in your 20s/30s?
Errands, resting, caring for the family pet, and dining out with friends. Participating in a cultural club is not a high priority as my family maintains tradition at home. Clubs are also a big time commitment.
How many Portuguese Clubs/Organizations do you know?
I would say I am able to name 2-3 comfortably but am aware of others heard in conversation etc.
Overall value of the Portuguese Clubs/Organizations? Positive/Negative? Why?
Although I am not a member of one, I would certainly say Portuguese clubs are positive and bring value to the greater community. They provide individuals with a safe space to break, practice their culture, make friends, and learn. They are a great way to stay close to your roots and it makes sense in Canada with the level of immigration.
Do they interest you? What made you get involved (if applicable)?
I do find Portuguese clubs interesting, but join comes down to the time commitment they require depending on the club.
What activities/programs do you know exist?
Rancho, it interested me as a child given that I like to dance but I never did join one. While I speak fluently, I never attended Portuguese school, which I am aware is also offered widely across the city.
What would you like to see?
Events tailored towards the younger generation.
What barriers/obstacles enable new members from participating in the community?
The biggest barrier for individuals such as myself who were raised in a traditional household but not a part of a club is visibility. The Portuguese are a big community but compared to others, small and often forgotten. If I was well informed on what was available, I am certain I would make the choice to engage with a club in some way, shape or form.
Current method of communication/publicity is in my opinion targeted to those who are already involved, who already have ties to a club. We need visibility in more non-traditional channels of communication and focused towards the broader society if we want to evolve and bring in new members.
Do you feel it’s hard to integrate with the community? Why?
If you do not have let’s say a friend or family member already integrated in the community then yes, I would say it’s often difficult.
Is it possible to see change in the community? Will it die out? transform? What outlook do you have?
I do think involvement in the community has stagnated and is declining form what I have seen. Hence, why we need to shift gears and listen to the younger generation more. We don’t need to change everything, but we do need to adapt to account for cultural changes as a whole.
We want tradition with some modern twists e.g., Dinner dances that help fundraise for a good cause but aren’t held in a churches basement hall. Or events that bring club member together for reason outside of their descent e.g., I know of one club that host younger gathering with themes such as Country music night.
What could make you feel more connected to community and Portugal? I am fortunate that I am able to travel back to Portugal, which is how I best connect with my roots. Here, I connect simply through speaking the language, going to a Portuguese bakery, and attending well known events such as the Portugal Parade.
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