Vast majority of SickKids staff vaccinated, 148 staffers on leave of absence

Almost all of the 8,258 staffers working at The Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto have received both COVID-19 shots, officials say, with only 148 staff members who haven’t now placed on a leave of absence.
That means 98.2 per cent of SickKids staff are fully vaccinated. It’s important to note that the 148 people who are not includes corporate, clinical and research staff, and that 19.6 per cent of them have received one dose. Some staffers are also still submitting proof-of-vaccination documents, so SickKids says it anticipates the number of people on leave will decrease in the coming days.
“It is our hope that every staff member who is currently not fully vaccinated will become fully vaccinated at their earliest opportunity and return from leave,” the hospital said in a statement.
From Sept. 7 to Oct. 15, staff members who weren’t fully vaccinated had to undergo mandatory COVID-19 testing, and people who didn’t comply have faced discipline, “up to and including termination,” the statement reads.
It goes on to say that “fewer than five” staff members have been fired, but did not specify a number for “privacy reasons.”
“We do not anticipate any disruptions to patient care as a result of the vaccine mandate policy,” the statement reads.
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