Ford Nations New Cabinet in Ontario…
The new Progressive Conservatives or better known as Ford Nation has 21 new faces including Doug Ford. Here is the new cabinet in Ontario.
This Ford cabinet has 21 new members, that’s seven fewer ministers than the previous Liberal government under Kathleen Wynne. Of those ministers, 14 are men and seven are women. Only one, is a visible minority – Raymond Cho, who was sworn in as the Minister for Seniors and accessibility.
Premier Ford has picked Victor Fedeli as his Minister of finance, he has some experience as the finance critic. He will have some big challenges with trying to implement the tax cuts Ford has promised without making cuts in service spending that could be unpopular enough to make the Conservatives a one – term government. Fedeli is well versed in the province’s public accounts, but had competition from the likes of Rod Phillips and Peter Bethlenfalvy whose names had also been tossed around as potential finance picks.
Christine Elliott, the new Minister of health and long – term care is returning to Queen’s Park having previously served as a member of the legislature from 2006 to 2015. She became familiar with the health – care file as an opposition MPP, and after resigning, she served as the province’s first patient ombudsman.
This new government seems to have abandoned some of the naming choices the Liberals adopted late in their tenure at Queen’s Park, pairing them down and opting for more straightforward terminology.
If you look close at the individuals that Ford has selected for his cabinet, it may lead towards what may be coming down the pipe with change. Take Education where Lisa Thompson has been an MPP since 2011 election, one of many Tories elected that year when the Liberals were reduced to a minority. While Thompson never held the education portfolio as an opposition critic, her status as a rural MPP could be a signal that the Tories plan to make rural school closures a high priority in the coming term.
One name to watch in the coming years is Caroline Mulroney, the daughter of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and a former leadership candidate. She has been appointed as the Attorney General and although is she a rookie, she has been a successful lawyer in the private sector and has an impressive pedigree.
Rod Phillips, the newly appointed Minister of the Environment is also another name to watch and follow as the Premier uses Mr. Phillips to kill the cap and trade carbon tax issue and how he rolls out the backlash if there is any. Mr. Phillips also had leadership aspirations, but has to put his future leadership goals on hold for now. Should Premier Ford over the next four years run into any issues that may threaten his leadership, watch for Mr. Phillips to be the first one to jump ship and fuel the fire.
The Ford cabinet is overwhelmingly white and male. If past experience is any guide, Ford’s cabinet will almost certainly change over the next four years. As newly elected MPP’s burn themselves, watch for younger and more diverse faces to likely be named to cabinet.
Notwithstanding Ford’s gesture toward belt – tightening with a smaller cabinet, he’s very likely to have more ministers holding more portfolios when the Tories run for re-election four years from now.
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