Raul Freitas

  • The Canada way

        I’ve never heard of a country that so openly and willingly celebrates its cultural diversity like Canada. All…

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  • The right mind

        It’s not easy being a dude in today’s climate. For years men have dominated the landscape and their…

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  • We salute you

        What is the role most of us play on a daily basis? We are trained to perform tasks…

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  • Not glamping

        Seeing people living on city streets is nothing new. As long as people have been forced to earn…

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  • The Nature Of Things

       The smart phone has embedded itself into our lives like no other of the many inventions ever conceived by…

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  • Wild west

      Like any large city, Toronto has become a place where stabbings, shootings, and pursuits have become a daily occurrence.…

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  • The Big Blue Marble

      We can only guess what it was like in the beginning, but from what we do know historically, we…

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  • Other ways

       It wasn’t long ago that when I happened to come across an electric vehicle on the road, it would…

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  • Who are we kidding

      Here we are at yet another threshold of government response to probably the most prevalent problem/crisis in the “developed”…

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  • Not Way Better

        I remember my high school Urban Studies teacher proudly telling us in class, on more than one occasion,…

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  • couple-investing-in-buyng-new-property-2023-11-27-04-52-37-utc

    Freedom & Control

        We are at a point in time where even millennials are looking old. Those of us who are…

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  • couple-investing-in-buyng-new-property-2023-11-27-04-52-37-utc


        48 teams, 104 games, and 16 host cities in 3 different countries, (2 in Canada, 3 in Mexico,…

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  • couple-investing-in-buyng-new-property-2023-11-27-04-52-37-utc


        There’s the new operative word, because this is what the future will be for the vast majority of…

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  • big-family-holding-hands-looking-at-view-in-a-park-2023-11-27-05-26-41-utc

    The Way We Were

        The concept of family, an increasingly ironic phrase in the days we live in. I’m not exactly sure…

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  • professional-car-thief-with-flashlight-2023-11-27-05-36-05-utc

    My car is 31

      I love my car. It was built around the time that I met my wife. In its day, it…

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  • mature-female-teacher-2023-11-27-05-21-51-utc

    The business of education

        Modern society is chock full of paradoxes, education being one of them. Just about all of the essential…

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  • international-day-of-peace-or-world-peace-day-sym-2023-11-27-05-29-36-utc

    I wish

        Here we are, people, that time of year where tradition calls for all of us to start the…

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  • wooden-puzzle-with-the-word-trust-the-concept-of-2023-07-21-00-22-09-utc


    The fact is that these days we´re all too busy being led to focus on the calamity that is our…

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  • woman-s-hand-with-pen-writing-word-hate-on-notepad-2022-12-16-03-37-20-utc


      The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes it as: intense hostility and aversion, usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury.…

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  • happy-businesswoman-laughing-while-working-on-lapt-2023-05-25-16-12-02-utc


      As humans, we come in a variety of different packages. One of the things we have in common, (and…

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  • caregiver-and-her-patient-in-the-nursing-home-2021-08-27-16-16-33-utc

    Hamster Wheel

      I live in a hamlet with a population of 21 people, not in isolation, mind you, but separate from…

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    That’s how we rock & roll

        Music, the healer of ills, easer of pains, the bringer of great highs and of deep lows. For…

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  • Ontario-Greenbelt-sign-Christopher-Katsarov-Luna-The-Narwhal-scaled

    Some things change

      It was no surprise to anyone that the Auditor General’s report on Premier Ford’s opening up of protected lands…

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  • Some things change

    Having been out of the loop for a great many years now, I was a little apprehensive when faced with…

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  • Manufactured Intelligence

      I checked the thesaurus online for words that represented the opposite, or antonyms, of the meaning of the word…

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  • Women's soccer team

    Headed in the right direction

      There’s no denying that women’s soccer has gained incredible momentum in the last few years.  It should come as…

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  • Maria João Maciel Jorge

    Another Giant Step

      We, the Portuguese, are a subdued people.  We’re humble, and even somewhat conservative in many ways.  So, when someone…

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    Around And Around We Go

       Seriously, I hope there aren´t too many people reading my articles lately. What I mean is that whoever may…

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  • Homeward Bound

      For some reason, many people consider a vacation as a getaway to a foreign land. In one way it’s…

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  • paper-chain-family-or-community-2021-08-26-22-29-59-utc

    A Port In A Storm

      As many of us know, when we’re strangers in a strange land, anything, or anyone, familiar and connected to…

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