Ontario Premier Doug Ford names hospital CEO as new secretary to cabinet

Ontario Premier Doug Ford names hospital CEO as new secretary to cabinet-Milenio Stadium-Ontario
Ontario Premier Doug Ford has named Michelle DiEmanuele as secretary of the cabinet and clerk of the executive council. DiEmanuele, currently president and CEO of Trillium Health Partners, takes the job on June 20, 2021. (CBC)

Ontario Premier Doug Ford named a new secretary to cabinet and clerk of the executive council on Wednesday.

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Michelle DiEmanuele, currently president and chief executive officer of Trillium Health Partners, will take over from Steven Davidson on June 20. Davidson has been secretary to cabinet since Feb. 1, 2019.

DiEmanuele has served as an associate secretary of the cabinet and was a deputy minister for the Ontario government under former premier Dalton McGuinty from 2004 to 2008. She also has been a senior executive at CIBC and Brookfield Properties.

Ford said in a news release on Wednesday that DiEmanuele is the right person for the job.

“I could not be more thrilled to have someone of Michelle’s talent, passion and experience take the top job of Ontario’s public service,” Ford said.

“With a long list of private and public sector accomplishments, she is exactly the right leader to help our government guide Ontario out of this pandemic as we jump start the province’s economy to create good jobs and strong communities.”

Ford thanked Davidson for his public service to Ontario.

“His time as secretary was one of change and challenge. I am extremely grateful for Steven’s leadership throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. He has been an absolute champion and we will miss him greatly.”

Ontario Premier Doug Ford-Milenio Stadium-Ontario
Ontario Premier Doug Ford, right, and Michelle E. DiEmanuele, Trillium Health Partners Hospital CEO and president, left, show off the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at one of the hospital’s sites during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mississauga, Ont., on Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2020. (Nathan Denette/Canadian Press)


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