Vincent Black

Navigating a Rigged System



In various aspects of life, the concept of a rigged system has long been a topic of debate. Whether in politics, business, or even everyday interactions, the question of fairness and meritocracy often arises. The idea that success is predetermined by factors such as connections, influence, or family ties is a concern that many individuals grapple with. This brings us to the contentious issues of nepotism, favoritism, and the role they play in determining one’s success within a supposedly merit-based system.

This past week a senior police officer in the Toronto force was up on charges that this black female officer was sending answers to questions for a promotion exam to five other black officers and they were all busted.
Is the system rigged?

It is a question that has plagued society for generations. The notion that success is not solely based on merit but is influenced by who you know, or your family connections is a reality that many people face. Nepotism, the practice of favoring relatives or friends in various aspects of life, can create an uneven playing field where opportunities are not distributed fairly based on qualifications and abilities. This can lead to frustration, disillusionment, and a sense of powerlessness among those who feel marginalized by such practices.

In a world where networking and connections often play a significant role in opening doors and creating opportunities, the adage “It’s’ not what you know, but who you know” rings true for many. While merit and hard work are undoubtedly important factors in achieving success, the reality is that relationships and connections can often provide a competitive edge in a rigged system. However, this Toronto police rigged process has now evolved to a racial exercise and has been turned around to soften the blow of the rigged system getting caught.
Nepotism is a practice that can have far-reaching consequences, not only for individuals who are overlooked for opportunities but also for organizations and society. When positions of power and influence are filled based on familial ties rather than qualifications and merit, it can lead to a lack of diversity, innovation, and fairness within institutions.

So, can you get around a rigged system?

While navigating a system marred by nepotism and favoritism can be challenging, there are strategies that individuals can employ to level the playing field and overcome such obstacles.

Focus on developing your skills, knowledge, and expertise in your chosen field. By becoming an expert in your area, you can demonstrate your value and competence, which can help you stand out regardless of nepotism or favoritism.

While nepotism may give some individuals an advantage, building a strong professional network can help you create opportunities for yourself. Attend networking events, connect with industry professionals, and seek out mentors who can provide guidance and support.

Identify individuals within the organization or industry who can advocate for you and support your career advancement. Building relationships with colleagues who recognize your talents and potential can help you navigate a rigged system more effectively. Overcoming a rigged system requires resilience, determination, and persistence. Don’t let setbacks or instances of nepotism deter you from pursuing your goals. Keep pushing forward, learning from experiences, and adapting your approach as needed.

While the road to success may be riddled with obstacles, including nepotism and favoritism, individuals who are committed to their goals and values can find ways to navigate a rigged system and achieve their aspirations. By staying true to their principles, focusing on continuous self-improvement, and building meaningful relationships, individuals can overcome the barriers posed by nepotism and create their paths to success.
Remember, success is not solely determined by who you know, but by your determination, perseverance, and commitment to excellence.

On a personal note… l would like to think that the cream usually rises to the top and folks do have fair opportunities in our Canadian system. However, it has been my personal experience that it really comes down to who you know, because mistakes can easily get covered up. The best person should get the job, but in many cases the best person does not always get that job.


Vincent Black/MS

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