Snowfall in Toronto ends a cold week

Toronto’s weather has been anything but pleasant in the last week. Between 90 km/h winds and recent flurries, the non-spring-like weather is sending Torontonians into a social media frenzy.

Friday’s temperatures are expected to go into the negatives, with a low of -4C according to Environment Canada. Snow, with a mix of rain, and cloudy skies are expected.

Etienne Gregoire, a meteorologist with Environment Canada says that while cold weather is to be expected in April, the “extent of it” is what’s troubling. “There’s no real sign of relief or warm weather on the horizon.” In brighter news, however, the wind is expected to significantly slow down.

Toronto police are urging drivers to take their commutes slowly, and proceed with caution on the roads. Saturday’s temperatures are expected to sit at 1C, with a mix of sun and cloud, while Sunday’s expected high is 3C.

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