
A senior citizen was randomly attacked on the subway and his family says no one helped

“Not even one helped. That’s the sad part,” said Maltezo-Williams. “They didn’t want to be part of that, I guess.”

At some point the attacker shouted at Agustin to get out, and he left the train, bleeding.

Agustin took the next train, got off at Warden Station and made his way onto a bus to get home — but couldn’t make it all the way.

Hoping community will help

His family says he didn’t call 911 right away because he was focused on getting himself home. He didn’t speak much English, and had already asked for help and got nothing, said Maltezo-Williams.

In pain and having difficulty breathing, Agustin phoned his daughter, who found him with blood stains on his jacket.

They called 911 and he was rushed to hospital, where doctors found he suffered multiple fractured ribs. 

The family says they have contacted the TTC and filed a police report. An investigation is ongoing but Toronto police have not said whether any request was made to the TTC for video of the attack.

The TTC says video is recorded over every 72 hours, so if a request was not made in time, it may no longer exist.

The family is hoping anyone with information will come forward.

And while she’s always believed Toronto is a safe community, the seemingly random attack has Maltezo-Williams doubtful. 

“This is a community, this is our family, and we’re supposed to unite together as one,” said Maltezo-Williams. 

“I would like to ask the community to help each other, especially in time of need.”

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