Best Buy briefly evacuated during Black Friday rush due to false alarm

A Best Buy near Yonge-Dundas Square was briefly evacuated in the middle of Black Friday sales this morning due to what was later determined to be a false alarm.

About 100 customers lined up outside the store to be the first inside when doors opened at 6 a.m. but at 6:30 a.m. a fire alarm went off inside, forcing a brief evacuation of the premises.

Six fire trucks were dispatched to the scene but they cleared the area short time later after it was determined that it was a false alarm.

Customers were then allowed back inside to continue their Black Friday shopping.

The alarm actually affected both the Best Buy and the Eaton Centre, though stores inside the mall weren’t scheduled to open until 7 a.m.

Officials at the downtown Best Buy have said that they plan to ring up about $2 million in sales today.

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