Vincent Black

What is artificial intelligence—better known as AI?


We all assume that most folks know what artificial intelligence is. The average person has no idea that a robot controlled by a computer will perform tasks usually done by humans. Is this a good thing?

Experts say the rise of artificial intelligence will make most people better off over the next decade, but many have concerns about how advances in AI will affect what it means to be human, to be productive and to exercise free will. The predicted networked artificial intelligence will amplify human effectiveness but also threaten human autonomy, agency and capabilities. In my opinion the real future of AI is in the healthcare field. 

Artificial intelligence in diagnosing and treating patients or helping senior citizens live fuller and healthier lives. The enthusiasm about the role AI will play in contributing to broad-health programs built around massive amounts of data that may be captured in the coming years about everything from personal genomes to nutrition. The field of percussion surgery is also another area that robotic surgeons could perform certain surgeries with more pinpoint accuracy. In Europe robotic surgery is done on a more regular basis with a tremendous amount of success. Not all the fields that we tend to live in will have an impact on us through AI as it will have on our health care systems especially when the lack of medical experts and doctors are not readily available.

There is a general understanding that AI will most likely become super intelligent in the next few decades. But in its current state, AI is merely a tool. It has no ability to think…. but in the hands of the wrong folks, this form of technology can be used in bad ways. There is an implicit assumption that morality is something we lose track of as we get smarter. But that is far from the case. Indeed, ethics is a common wisdom amongst us, though ever evolving. It is a method of dealing with the complexities of universal problems. AI now has huge economic incentives for development, with billions of dollars in research being spent across a wide range of applications by both private and public organizations. This way, we can say that ruling out quick progress in the next few decades would be foolish.

The development of artificial intelligence is frequently viewed as both a threat and an opportunity for humans, depending on a variety of circumstances. On the one hand, there are concerns about the possible hazards of AI. These include employment displacement, privacy and security concerns, algorithm biases, and the centralization of power in the hands of a few individuals/organizations. These risks, if not appropriately handled, might have severe effects for people, society, and humanity’s general well-being. 

One cannot discount AI’s benefits. It can increase productivity, generate innovation, advance healthcare and science, and address difficult social concerns. AI has the potential to boost human talents, automate monotonous chores, and allow us to make more informed judgements. It provides opportunities for progress in a variety of industries, including education, transportation, agriculture, and others. The aim is to create and deploy AI in a responsible and ethical manner. WE can maximize the good impact of AI while minimizing possible hazards by addressing concerns such as transparency, accountability, justice, and prejudice. It requires collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders to ensure that AI is developed and used in ways that align with human values and benefit society.

In general, people recognize today’s advanced computers as intelligent because they have the potential to learn and make decisions based on the information, they take in. But while we may recognize that ability, it’s a decidedly different type of intelligence what we possess. Humans represent what we call authentic intelligence – a different type of AI, if you will. This type of intelligence is needed when open systems are in place. The one cautionary point to make hear is that we do not want to set up a system that will get out of control and do more harm than good. At the end of the day, there is no comparing to human replication and what a human and personal touch bring to the table. This is why we need total transparency with checks and balances that do not get into the wrong hands.

On a personal level my biggest fear is not the loss of jobs or integration into other fields, it’s the social manipulation through AI algorithms and the mental impact on us, especially our youth. This fear has become a reality as politicians and corporate entities rely on platforms to promote their viewpoints, with a large impact on the psychic of many. In many of these sites, especially TikTok, will have an amazing ability to plant certain thoughts in your head that become very addictive. I must confess, that l had to eliminate this app, as it was leaving impressions in my mind and not for the good. Many folks do not realize until it’s too late that these sites with augmented AI have tremendous impacts on us. 

Artificial intelligence’s impact on society is widely debated. Many argue that AI improves the quality of everyday life by doing routine and even complicated tasks better than humans can, making life simpler, safer, and more efficient. Others argue that AI poses dangerous privacy risks, exacerbates racism by standardizing people, and costs workers their jobs, leading to greater unemployment. As with most issues, there is always a good side and a bad, but with AI we really need to make sure we protect areas of intellectual vulnerability.  AI is an amazing tool that will eventually revolutionize our world, but we do not want it to control our world.

Artificial intelligence should augment human intelligence, not replace it……..

Vince Nigro/MS

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