Family of Toronto van attack victim launches foundation to end violence against women

The family of a woman killed in the Toronto van attack has launched a foundation in her name to help women suffering from violence and abuse.

Anne Marie D’Amico was among the 10 people killed in the van attack that struck Toronto’s north end in April.

The Anne Marie D’Amico Foundation was launched on Dec. 3, which would have been D’Amico’s 31st birthday.

Following her death, D’Amico’s friends and family described her as a cheerful, friendly person and a dedicated volunteer.

“I think her spirit is something that’s going to live on,” her brother Nick D’Amico told CBC Radio’s Here and Now this week. “That was really what we were trying to capture here.”

In its mission to end violence and abuse against women, the foundation will begin by raising money for the North York Women’s Shelter, which is in the process of building a new facility.

Foundation is ‘grounding point’ for family

“It’s appropriate for the kind of situation that happened to my daughter,” said Rocco D’Amico, Anne Marie’s father.

“Rather than sprinkling our hard work throughout various organizations, we’ve decided to focus on this particular organization,” he said. “They do great work.”

The foundation is hoping to raise $3 million for the new facility.

There are also plans to host an annual fundraiser, called the Turtle Project, on D’Amico’s birthday. The event will feature entertainment and stories from survivors of abuse.

“Just having this foundation as a bit of a cornerstone, a bit of a grounding point for us, has really kind of brought us through a lot of the darkness,” Nick D’Amico said.

“This will be what I’m going to be doing for the rest of my life,” Rocco D’Amico added.

Alek Minassian, 26, of Richmond Hill, Ont., is facing 10 counts of first-degree murder and 16 counts of attempted murder in connection to the attack.

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