
How Jose Mourinho will earn over $2.4M in just four days

The Portuguese boss found a new way to share his experience with the world while earning a big paycheck.
Jose Mourinho is one of the highest-paid coaches in the world. His contract includes a variety of clauses that earn him hefty bonuses now and then, but his latest “venture” will give him quite a few reasons to be happy after just four days of work.
The Portuguese boss will join Russian TV network RT during the 2018 World Cup as an analyst. According to some reports, The Special One will earn a special paycheck of nearly two million euros (around $2.4M) in four days of work, while adding a phone call to analyze the World Cup final.
Mourinho won’t provide in-game analysis in those days, as the Russian network wasn’t granted broadcasting rights for the tournament. Other networks interested in signing Mourinho were the BBC and ITV, but “Mou” chose the Russian option instead. This will not be the first time for Mourinho as an analyst in the World Cup, since he had a similar role for a North American website back in 2014.
After those four days of work, Mourinho is expected to go on holidays with his family. He will then return to Manchester for a third season at Old Trafford.

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