
J. Cole Announces New Album ‘KOD’

J. Cole announced the imminent release of his fifth album, Variety reports. The rapper held an impromptu listening session on Monday at New York’s Gramercy Theatre, where he revealed that the LP would drop on Friday, April 20th.

On Monday, the rapper tweeted an open invite to the listening session, which was on a first-come, first-serve basis. No phones, cameras or bags were allowed and there was no press list or guest list, according to his tweet.

Following the event, J. Cole unveiled that the album is called KOD along with its release dateAccording to Rap Radar J. Cole played the entire album, which was “about 12 songs” during the event and that one song is called “1985.” Miller added that it was recorded in two weeks and that it has three different subtitles: “Kidz on Drugs,” “King Overdose” and “Kill Our Demonz.”

KOD will be J. Cole’s fifth studio album and is the follow up to 2016’s similarly surprise released 4 Your Eyez Only, which was his fourth consecutive Number One album.

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