Conservatives set to force all-night voting over Liberal refusal to reveal carbon tax cost
The Conservatives have set the stage for a possible second filibuster in the House of Commons and are vowing to keep Liberal MPs voting for up to 30 straight hours in an attempt to get the government to disclose the cost of its carbon tax plans.
Their reasoning, one Conservative official said, is simple: it worked last time.
Pierre Poilievre, the party’s finance critic, announced the pending filibuster as he rose to speak on an opposition motion submitted by him that asked the government to table the cost of its proposed carbon tax by June 22, which is the day the House of Commons is scheduled to rise for summer holidays.
The Liberal plan proposes putting a price of $50 per ton on carbon.
For weeks, Poilievre and the Conservatives have demanded the government disclose its estimates on how much that plan will end up costing Canadians in terms of increased costs for goods and services.
But so far, the government has refused.
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