Your car is no longer in the driveway…
Have you ever gone to bed feeling comfortable and safe with your life and, in the morning, when you get up to get ready for your daily routine you go out to start your car and find that its gone? You are standing there with your lunch and keys in hand, but no vehicle. What a feeling this must be for anyone who had their personal territory violated.
If you are a business owner or own your own home, the last thing you want is to be the victim of an armed robbery. You don’t want your hard-earned money to be stolen from you, and more importantly, you don’t want any of your employees or family members to be put in harm’s way. Scenarios such as these may appear to be nothing more than bad luck, but you have more control than you may think.
As you begin to take precautions against an armed robbery, it is first beneficial to understand the psychology of a robber. A person with a good understanding of a thief’s mindset and motivations has a better chance survival and may even be able to diffuse the situation. Many people are of the belief that poverty is the primary motivator behind robbery and that the desperate need for money in order to support one’s self or family supports this theory. However, according to a recent study on crime, 51% of robberies were carried out purely in support of drug addictions. According to this same study, only 37% of robberies were carries out for financial reasons, and even in these cases, drug habits were often part of the equation. Other studies conducted over the years found that robbers motivations have ranged from the need to assert their manhood to the desire to prove a point to their significant other.
When thieves get ready to hit, they are looking for a target with most robbers looking for places that were dark, light on traffic, void of people, and most of all, far from the police. Many participants also admitted that they would be more likely to rob a business that is in a high-crime area. Roughly half of the participants reported targeting people’s private business instead of homes.
Robbery data has shown that the trends have varied slightly over the years, but the thought process to steal is always the same. A robber usually is plans a crimes ahead of time. About 50% of robbers have said that their crimes were impulse decisions, while the remainder of crimes are varied and random. Impulsive robberies are also very significant and happen often when a thieve is touring a neighborhood or a business district and sees an opening and strikes impulsively.
What deters robbers?
The biggest deterrent for most robbers and thieves are cameras and credible security set up through sensors and any form of deterrent. When criminals see evidence of high security level installed to protect a property or goods, most smart criminals abandon their plans to rob a particular business or home. Needless to say, that some form of security is always a good deterrent to a crime.
The thought that someone intends to do us harm as an individual can leave us feeling confused and powerless, wondering what we could’ve done to prevent it. Theft-related offences make up a large percentage of crimes reported but many of these cases go unsolved and police in many cases won’t even show up to your house or business. Taking some preventative precautions, definitely help the cause and may prevent you and your loved ones from putting you through this mental stress. The anguish of a robbery or an invasion of your home or stealing of your possessions is a traumatic event in anyone’s lives, especially children.
Once you have been violated, your mental state is never the same moving forward and many folks turn to substance abuse and other forms of drugs and pills to get over the trauma and then many get addicted to these drugs. Getting group help or speaking with an expert or a close family friend will help with getting over with these experiences. Being the victim of a violent crime can have a profound effect on a person’s mental health and well-being. Besides losing valuables, some people are robbed of the joy and feeling of safety which once held dear.
Support groups, counseling, and short-term use of antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, and sleep aids can help a person through the difficulty of being victimized. However, some people turn to self-medication through alcohol and drugs, but don’t treat the underlying causes of their anxiety which often create more problems than they solve. Robbery and assault are serious crimes. While money is often the motivation, these incidents are considered crimes of violence because they involve the threat or actual use of physical violence. The basic rules of prevention are to be sensible and to be alert. I will list a simple list that l have accumulated from experts and what to do in order to avoid any problems.
- If possible, don’t walk alone during late-night hours. Walk in groups whenever you can…
- Let a family member or friend know your destination…
- Stay in well-lit areas as much as possible…
- Walk on the sidewalk whenever possible…
- Always be aware of your surroundings…
- Never hitchhike or accept rides from strangers…
- Report any suspicious activity or person…
- Avoid carrying large sums of cash…
- If you can afford a camera system or sensor alert machine…
I learned a long time ago to “look for the other guy” and be alert, know your surroundings and if it doesn’t feel good… or look safe …keep moving.
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