Premiered and ready
Ah yes, another election now looms for Ontarians. Exciting, right? Right. Didn’t you guys just do this, not too long ago? I feel like we just discussed the last one!
Ontario Premier Doug Ford has called for an early election. Fifteen months before term. It’s not really surprising, considering the Ontario PC’s have been knocking on doors, collecting donations and advertising, since soon after they were reelected in June of 2022. They’re poll numbers must be good too, or campaign organizers wouldn’t have been too keen on the idea. Also, the Premier had left the question of early elections unanswered for a while, giving him and his party the advantage of prep time, when compared to his opposition. Ford claims that the reason for the decision is to bring a strong front to the newly elected President in the US. Trump has been threatening to tariff Canadian goods to the tune of 25%, and Ford says he’s the only one who can face the possible showdown. But let’s look into some of the other advantages for Fords snap election call, let’s see, how about Trudeau’s resignation? That plays directly into his hand. He can use it to his advantage when speaking to the current state of the Liberal party. Let’s not forget that the national Conservatives are currently polling strong across the country, so there’s a possibility that they might take the Ottawa crown. In the last 65 years, only once has an Ontario party formed a government while the same party ruled in the capital. Premier needn’t worry about this stat, his plans to already be on the throne, with a few years still left in his mandate. On the other hand, should Poilievre actually get into power, the very likely possibility of unpopular decisions made by him and his bros in Ottawa could also have hurt Doug Ford’s chances at remaining premier, if elections were held in 2026. Greenbelt. The RCMP continues to investigate this blatant attempt at gift-giving with favours. With an early election, the eventual fallout will not stand in the way of the current campaign, unless the police’s report comes out before Feb. 27, (and we all know that won’t be happening, either before the 27th, or anytime soon).
What about Trump, you say? Doug Ford will be travelling to Wahington twice during the election campaign as the Chair of Canada’s Premiers. The rotating position has landed in Ontario this year, and the PC’s will be using this perfect timing to highlight their man as the leader the province needs. And similarly to Poilievre, if things with Trump go awry, at least he won’t be facing elections in 15 months. If the planets keep aligning this way, (with a little help), for Ford, his next seat might be in Ottawa.
The real reasons for the upcoming provincial elections seem to be crystal clear. These are the usual, obvious powerplays that our politicians really focus their concentration on. Not on putting their efforts into solving the many serious issues facing everyone, in this case the people of Ontario, but on deflecting and strategizing in order to keep a hold on power.
A hamster wheel, same old, same old.
Fiquem bem,
Raul Freitas/MS
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