Temas de Capa

Look who’s talking

Design David Ganhão

Tik Tok, a crowd favourite, small wonder the US wants to control it.  They want it so badly that an avalanche of suspicion was unleashed over what malevolence the Chinese government could possibly be cooking up, using an app created at home; an app that is among the most popular in the world.  And they did it, US courts ruled that it could be shut down in the US, unless the company was sold to a US bidder.  But even so, the carrying out of the decision isn’t an easy one.  

Tik Tok has 170 million users in the States, and many Americans make a living off the app, so that could possibly cause Mr. Trump some pain right off the bat.  So, before he was inaugurated as President, he announced he was going to postpone the enforcement of the ban in order to find a deal for the company that owns the app, ByteDance.  The switch was turned off, but quickly turned on again.

So there you have it, The US is afraid China is spying on them.  I agr\ee, but we also know that all of these players have been spying on each other for decades.  The United States are, as usual, accusing other of doing exactly what they themselves do.  These guys all have spy agencies with huge budgets and countless operatives.  The United States has spied and mettled in every corner of the globe, as have China, Russia, Britain, probably even Portugal.  I thought that maybe they could come up with a better strategy, in their march toward global social media dominance.  With Apple, Meta, Google, YouTube, X, and Microsoft, it’s just about there, but wouldn’t it be nice to have it all.  From what I’ve read, there could be legal challenges to his decision. Even if he declares the company is not breaking US law, it still sounds to me like it could bring arguments.  Another thing about this ban, is it may be one of the biggest reasons Musk is so cozy with the newly sworn- in President.  One quick bank transfer and he owns the whole lot!  Yet there are two elephants in the room that, stangely aren’t getting any publicity, Tik Tok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, still refuse to sell, and it’s also speculated that the Chinese government will never approve the sale, which would have to include and app’s algorithm.  It will be interesting watching it play out.  My guess is that most of this will end up as it was.  If Trump is anything like his last term, much of what he threatens will be nothing but that; lots of finger pointing and deflecting, and more money for him, his billionaire family and his billionaire ‘friends’.  But we already know that, he tells us so, all the time.  This charade is, as it always is, about money and power, it’s right there in front of our faces, they aren’t fooling anybody that doesn’t want to be fooled.   

  <<Tik Tok becomes American so the Chinese can’t use it to spy on the US.  The US controls Tik Tok.  At last, nothing to worry about.>>    

 Fiquem bem,

Raul Freitas/MS

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