Looking Forward, not behind… 2023
We have a tendency to continually look behind whether it’s in our rear-view mirror or just looking over our shoulders…human nature is such that we are always looking behind. The last couple of years were horrible for many, forcing our human instincts to continually draw on the past and pray that things get better in the future in a small way or just getting a break from what life is and what continually gets thrown at us as we try to adapt and make things either bearable or just getting through the day. Surviving what life continually puts in front of us is the unknown. Pundits tell us what to generally expect so life is such that we need to take it head on.
We do not appreciate the good things we have in comparison to other parts of the globe and the hardships that others face. Gratitude is something that all should adopt, because we very rarely take a minute to appreciate this country and while we may have some issues, in comparison to other nations we still have a very good system that seems to function most of the time. We have had and continue to face challenges, especially in our healthcare system and other areas…. but at the end of the day, l would rather be here than anywhere else. Let’s take a moment and appreciate the good things and freedoms that still are enjoyed by many in this country.
In my humble estimation 2023 should be a pivotal year. Many of us need to pivot and make adjustments to adapt to a changing global economy and what it continues to throw at us as individuals, our families and communities. We need more than ever to be flexible and be able to shift our priorities if need be. We need to continually be in a position to make sacrifices if needed and at the same time continue to be open minded about taking on change and challenging times if need be. I predict that in 2023 we will start to see growing trends towards change in many of our economic and cultural sectors. Let me give you my personal thoughts on where these changes will start to happen and why l believe we need to keep them under consideration.
The Bitcoin revolution in my opinion is over, and the major scam that just happened with FTX is the first sign that we will be moving towards a digital currency and one that will be implemented by most of the G7 countries first with others to follow. The FTX scandal has revealed conspiracy signs and Sam Bankman-Fried who l believe will get off from criminal charges because of his democratic connections and many that have benefited from crypto transactions do not want to see him incarcerated. This major scandal will push governments to push digital currencies and implement the starting phase of a digital driven system. This system will benefit, as history has taught us, a handful of people.
Although there will be some bitcoin companies still surviving over the next five years or so, the collapse of bitcoin is inevitable, and my recommendation is to stay away from transactions in crypto currencies.
The end of personal privacy will start to take on more of a role in all our lives and l do believe that 2023 will be a beginning of an invasion of our space whether on personal trends or our financial and cultural interests. There will be more folks working through the dark web which will hold many of our institutions and corporation’s hostage to cyber-attacks. This growing trend of attacks especially on our hospital system should be alarming to all of us. When a hospital is compromised much of our personal information and medical background gets compromised which will create problems for all of us but especially those that need assistance quickly.
Our medical system has crashed, and it will take some time for it to rebound and run as efficiently as it had in the past, although we still have a very good system in Ontario. Systems failures open up a push to download medical services for a fee basis and take some stress off the main health care system. Is this a first step to privatization of health care in Ontario? I personally do believe that it is. Starting at the end of 2023….new private mini hospitals or health optional facilities will take on colonoscopy, cataract surgery and many other procedures that normally would have been done in a hospital, now can be performed off site. Changes in the health care system as we know it will be changing in 2023 and do not be surprised how quickly they will be rolled out.
The middle class will be on the brink of falling off the economic spectrum. The economic difficulties that will be imposed on us in 2023 will start to see the elimination of the middle class as we know it. The disparity between the rich and the poor will start to be more obvious this coming year and over the next five years. The economy of scale will really take its toll this year and we will see signs of the two groups and the growing gap. With higher prices and the inflation rate along with interest rates hitting an all-time high this year, it will force many off the grid and into a quasi-poverty state. Coming off COVID-19 these past two years with many folks drawing off their savings with no future balance to make it up…. we will see more of a recessionary type atmosphere this coming year. Signs will be there this year, not as obvious yet, but we need to take note of this.
A global reset!
In 2023, if the economies deteriorate faster than expected…one of the only options available instead of a major collapse is an economic global reset. I do not believe it will happen in 2023, but it is something to keep an eye on. These issues will in my opinion force our population to either be on the right or the left of the political spectrum. One can say that the Soros effect is something that has been in the works for some time and will push many to the left as the needy need more. Does this all play into the new world order and moves to control all of us? The new world order is real and whether it’s called this or folks of influence, its here and it can only get better for them as the global community relies on them more.
No one knows what the future will bring… so just live in the moment.
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