Num ano particularmente atípico, instituições como a Luso Canadian Charitable Society têm que se reinventar para conseguirem continuar com o seu trabalho de apoio social, que em grande medida sobrevive graças às ações de angariação de fundos junto da comunidade.

A Volta Luso é já um evento que faz parte da agenda de todos os luso-canadianos residentes na Grande Área de Toronto. Acontece que este ano, devido aos constrangimentos causados pela pandemia de Covid-19, foi necessário repensar a forma da sua concretização.
Neste verão de 2020, temos uma Volta Virtual sem Barreiras e Fronteiras, que proporciona a todos a possibilidade de participação e contribuição financeira.
Falámos com Heather Grand, CEO e diretora executiva, e foi com satisfação que percebemos que a comunidade está a aderir a esta ideia, não esquecendo, portanto, a importância de ajudar a Luso Canadian Charitable Society a prosseguir o seu trabalho.
Milénio Stadium: How is the virtual Volta Luso going so far?

Heather Grand: 2020 Luso Virtual Volta, Support without Barriers or Volta Virtual sem Barreiras e Fronteiras, presented by BPA Financial Group and LIUNA Local 183 is going well. We are pleased with the response to date from everyone involved, our sponsors, the community and our media partners. We are close to 50% of our target raised.
We call it Volta Virtual sem Barreiras e Fronteiras in recognition of the barriers adults with special needs face every day. Luso’s goal is to challenge those individual barriers and provide more opportunities for personal growth and community inclusion. We are grateful that the community understands those challenges faced by persons living with disabilities and are assisting at whatever level they can.
MS: Are people responding well and joining the initiative?
HG: Yes. Our Volta fundraiser started five years ago and has been a very popular event, bringing the community together to raise funds for adults living with disabilities. It was a wonderful community event in 2019 with more than 500 participants.
However in these unusual times, we must do things differently. People are responding to Virtual Volta by creating teams and challenging each other online. They understand the need for support and want to help. Participants seem excited about our Virtual Volta’s increased flexibility and the opportunity to make a difference while still respecting the limitations around social gatherings. Virtual Volta runs until August 30th and lets everyone participate at their own pace, anywhere, anytime and any way they prefer.
MS: Just as a reminder: How can someone participate this year?
HG: One thing that remains unchanged from other years, is the need to support adults with disabilities. There are several ways to get involved, participate and have fun for a great cause.
- Visit and click on “REGISTER” to reach the Virtual Volta page
- From there, you can register to be a participant and fundraise
- Take part in our weekly themed challenges and support other participants to do the same
- Share pictures and videos of your Volta adventures activities using the hashtags #Luso2020VirtualVolta or #LusoCharities
- Visit our online auction, a new feature this year with lots of great new items being added ongoing
- Or simply make a donation on our Virtual Volta homepage!
If you prefer to support us offline, you can also call our Toronto Centre and make a donation over the phone by dialling 416-761-9761.
MS: What are the expectations of total fundraising? Any idea?
HG: Our goal is $250,000 and we are hopeful that we will meet our goal or even surpass it. COVID -19 has prevented us from holding our normal fundraising events which provide more than 35% of our annual operating revenues, and our Virtual Volta was created to challenge this barrier as well.
We are asking the community to come out and support generously as they have in prior years. Volta may be changed this year but the need to help adults with disabilities still exists!
Together and collectively we can do a lot! Thank you.
Catarina Balça/MS
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