Ontario projects $2.6 billion more in pandemic spending since fall budget

Ontario projects $2.6 billion more in pandemic spending since fall budget-Milenio Stadium-Ontario
In its third quarter financial report released today, the province says the additional $2.6 billion will go towards creating a previously announced grant program for small business, and to support hospitals and long-term care homes. (Patrick Morrell/CBC News)

Ontario expects to spend an additional $2.6 billion to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

What to expect from Ontario’s budget as COVID-19 ravages the economy

The province says that brings its one-time pandemic spending to $13.3 billion.

The funds were provided to the province from the federal government and Ontario says they have now all been allocated.

In its third quarter financial report released Wednesday, the province says the additional $2.6 billion will go toward creating a previously announced grant program for small business, and to support hospitals and long-term care homes.

Ontario’s projected deficit remains at $38.5 billion, unchanged since the 2020 budget was released in November.

The province says it has set aside a $3.9 billion contingency fund —up by an additional $2.1 billion — to address any further spending needs from the pandemic for the rest of the fiscal year.


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