Freezing rain could hit the GTA Wednesday night as temperature set to soar
Environment Canada has issued a special weather statement for much of southern Ontario, including Toronto, saying that freezing rain is “threatening” for Wednesday night.
According to the statement, snow is forecast to start Wednesday afternoon, but will “quickly change” to freezing rain Wednesday evening. The freezing rain or drizzle will change to “occasional rain or drizzle” by Thursday morning as the temperature rises above 0 C.
The wild weather forecast is the result of a “large” low-pressure system “brewing” over the Southern Plains and moving toward the Great Lakes, the federal weather agency said.
“Untreated surfaces may become icy and slippery,” the statement warned. “Travel may be affected.”
The warm-up will follow a deep freeze that has settled over southern Ontario. Early Tuesday morning, the temperature was -13 C, but felt more like -15 with the wind. On Monday, Toronto’s medical officer of health issued a cold weather alert for the city. On Tuesday, her office said the alert would end at noon.
But the warm temperatures appear set to stick around after Wednesday, with temperatures above 0 C forecast right through the weekend.
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