
Cordas Invisíveis

milenio stadium - SJ-Puppet Show-PORT


Já existem marionetas desde o século V a.C. É uma forma de teatro e de atuação que envolve a manipulação de fantoches onde os objetos inanimados muitas vezes se assemelham a algum tipo de figura humana ou animal que são manipuladas por cordas enquanto o marionetista narra uma história, dando voz aos movimentos do boneco.

Os seres humanos tornaram-se marionetas utilizadas por uma sociedade desprovida de pensamento racional, de forma a garantir que a dignidade de espírito faz parte da vida quotidiana. Em toda a evolução da sociedade, nunca fomos tão controlados como hoje. As nossas vidas são manipuladas por cordas invisíveis que nos sufocam como se estivéssemos cercados por uma teia de aranha. A política, os media, a internet e outros métodos de comunicação deram origem a um novo poder de manipulação das nossas mentes e das funções mentais de si mesmo.

Estão a ser utilizados métodos maquiavélicos, recorrendo à manipulação emocional para defender táticas que mudarão a forma como vemos a vida. O mundo chegou a um momento em que a capacidade dos outros de influenciar os nossos seres fisicos, sem contacto físico, está a criar uma sociedade de zombies, onde não sabemos pensar por nós mesmos. Muitas vezes, em conversa, fazemos declarações como se se tratassem de factos vindos de uma terceira fonte, sem verificação, e a pessoa que fez a observação sente-se insultada se a desafiarmos a provar a sua exatidão. Para onde foram os pensadores livres que trabalham arduamente?

Tornámo-nos fantoches da sociedade a partir do momento em que nascemos. Chegamos a um mundo onde os nossos primeiros manipuladores são os nossos pais. Eles criam-nos e protegem-nos enquanto somos bebés para conquistar a nossa confiança e para que, até morrermos, lhes devamos respeito. A manipulação continua ao longo dos anos através de líderes religiosos que sugerem que vivemos em pecado e que se não alterarmos o nosso comportamento vamos para o inferno, isto sem explicar porque é que somos pecadores. O abuso físico e mental é muitas vezes parte do processo de ensinamento das realidades da vida que a parte ofensora nunca aprendeu, mas que pratica nos outros. À medida que avançamos na vida, é tomada a importante decisão de envolvimento com outra pessoa e em conjunto inicia-se a vossa segunda vida, dando início a uma nova ronda de manipulação da sua parte e da parte do/a seu/sua parceiro/a que eventualmente será transferida para as vossas crianças, e assim, entrando num ciclo de marionetes que se perpetuará para sempre. Os manipuladores geralmente sabem que ao dizer “estás a mentir” você entrará num modo defensivo, ficando vulnerável e propenso aos seus desejos. A maioria dos casais trabalha neste princípio, onde os seus sentimentos são utilizados para o manipular. Enquanto navegamos a manipulação dos relacionamentos, deparamo-nos com forças externas daqueles cuja função é proteger-nos das forças do mal que nos atacam a cada passo. A teia de aranha que nos envolve, puxando as cordas da nossa mente e coração de forma contínua recorrendo a meios tortuosos para explorar, controlar e influenciar-nos a seu favor. Os marionetistas do mundo são trapaceiros sofisticados, vigaristas e impostores que desrespeitam os princípios morais. Os seres humanos tornaram-se preguiçosos e impotentes, permitindo-se ser usados através de mensagens sociais e políticas manhosas e inseridas na nossa mente gratuitamente. O mundo tornou-se numa empresa de marketing para manipuladores por causa da natureza coerciva da venda. Nenhum produto precisa de ser transacionado para ganhar a vida. Diga às pessoas aquilo que elas querem ouvir, e a mentira tornar-se-á na doutrina de Cristo.

As sociedades avançadas, tal como aquela em que vivemos, tornar-se-ão parte de um processo destrutivo devido a quem somos como indivíduos e, por extensão, da humanidade em geral. Questione a verdade até que tenha a certeza que não é uma mentira. O amor não é amor até que sinta que assim o é, e não apenas porque um marionetista puxa as cordas.

Permitir ser-se usado por um marionetista é perder o controlo e autoestima e a melhor forma de reconhecê-lo é questionar frequentemente e não manipular os outros.
Fantoches puxados por uma corda? Corte a corda.

“A única forma de descobrir os limites do possível é aventurarmo-nos um pouco além deles até ao impossível” – Arthur C. Clark.

Manuel DaCosta/MS

Version in english

Puppetry has existed since the fifth century BCE.  It’s a form of theatre and performance, which involves the manipulation of puppets where inanimate objects often resemble some type of human or animal figure which are pulled by strings and the puppeteer tells a story, voicing the movements of the puppet. Humans have become marionets used by a society which is devoid of rational thought processes to ensure the dignity of spirit is part of our daily lives.  In the evolution of society never have we been controlled as we are today.  Our lives are pulled by invisible strings suffocating us as if encircled by a spiderweb.  Politics, media, internet, and other methods of communication have given rise to a new power to manipulate the minds and the mental functions of oneself.   Machiavellistic methods are being used by many through emotional manipulation to advocate tactics that will change the way we view life.  The world has reached a moment in time where others’ abilities to influence our physical beings without physical contact is creating a zombie like society where we can’t think for ourselves.  Often in conversations we make statements as facts coming from third party sources without verification and the person making the remark is insulted if challenged to prove its accuracy.  Where has the hard-working free-thinkers gone? We become puppets of society from the day we are born.  We come into a world where our first manipulators are our parents.  They nurture and protect us as babies to get our trust and until we die, owe them our respect.  The manipulation continues through our years from religious leaders who suggest that we live in sin and that if we don’t change our behaviours, we go to hell without suggesting why we are sinners.  Physical and mental abuse are often part of a process of teaching the realities of life which the offending party never learned but practices on others.  As we move on in life, the important decision of engagement with another person is made and together your second life begins, initiating another round of manipulation from you and your partner which eventually is transferred to the children, thus entering a cycle of puppetry to be perpetuated forever.  Manipulators often know that by saying “you are lying” you get into a defensive mode where you are vulnerable and prone to their wishes.  Most couples work on this principle where your feelings are used to manipulate you.  While navigating the manipulation of relationships we are faced with the external forces of those entrusted to protect us from the evil forces attacking us at every turn.  The spiderweb that engulfs us pulling at our mind and heart strings is continuous using devious means to exploit, control and influence us to their advantage. The puppeteers of the world are sophisticated tricksters, swindlers and impostors who disrespect moral principles.  Human beings have become lazy and impotent, allowing themselves to be used by slick political and social messaging inserted in our minds free of charge.  The world has become a marketing enterprise for manipulators because of the coercive nature of selling.  No product needs to be transacted to earn a living.  Tell people what they want to hear, and the lie becomes gospel.   Advanced societies such as the current one will become part of a destructive process because of who we are as individuals and by extension, humanity at large.  Question the truth until you are certain it’s not a lie.  Love is not love until you can feel that it is, not just a puppeteer pulling your strings. Allowing yourself to be used as a marionette is to lose control and self-esteem and the best way to recognize it is to question often and don’t perpetrate manipulation on others. Puppets on a string?  Break the string. “The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible” – Arthur C. Clark.


Invisible Strings

Puppetry has existed since the fifth century BCE. It’s a form of theatre and performance, which involves the manipulation of puppets where inanimate objects often resemble some type of human or animal figure which are pulled by strings and the puppeteer tells a story, voicing the movements of the puppet.

Humans have become marionets used by a society which is devoid of rational thought processes to ensure the dignity of spirit is part of our daily lives. In the evolution of society never have we been controlled as we are today. Our lives are pulled by invisible strings suffocating us as if encircled by a spiderweb. Politics, media, internet, and other methods of communication have given rise to a new power to manipulate the minds and the mental functions of oneself.

Machiavellistic methods are being used by many through emotional manipulation to advocate tactics that will change the way we view life. The world has reached a moment in time where others’ abilities to influence our physical beings without physical contact is creating a zombie like society where we can’t think for ourselves. Often in conversations we make statements as facts coming from third party sources without verification and the person making the remark is insulted if challenged to prove its accuracy. Where has the hard-working free-thinkers gone?

We become puppets of society from the day we are born. We come into a world where our first manipulators are our parents. They nurture and protect us as babies to get our trust and until we die, owe them our respect. The manipulation continues through our years from religious leaders who suggest that we live in sin and that if we don’t change our behaviours, we go to hell without suggesting why we are sinners. Physical and mental abuse are often part of a process of teaching the realities of life which the offending party never learned but practices on others. As we move on in life, the important decision of engagement with another person is made and together your second life begins, initiating another round of manipulation from you and your partner which eventually is transferred to the children, thus entering a cycle of puppetry to be perpetuated forever.

Manipulators often know that by saying “you are lying” you get into a defensive mode where you are vulnerable and prone to their wishes. Most couples work on this principle where your feelings are used to manipulate you. While navigating the manipulation of relationships we are faced with the external forces of those entrusted to protect us from the evil forces attacking us at every turn. The spiderweb that engulfs us pulling at our mind and heart strings is continuous using devious means to exploit, control and influence us to their advantage. The puppeteers of the world are sophisticated tricksters, swindlers and impostors who disrespect moral principles. Human beings have become lazy and impotent, allowing themselves to be used by slick political and social messaging inserted in our minds free of charge. The world has become a marketing enterprise for manipulators because of the coercive nature of selling. No product needs to be transacted to earn a living. Tell people what they want to hear, and the lie becomes gospel.

Advanced societies such as the current one will become part of a destructive process because of who we are as individuals and by extension, humanity at large. Question the truth until you are certain it’s not a lie. Love is not love until you can feel that it is, not just a puppeteer pulling your strings.

Allowing yourself to be used as a marionette is to lose control and self-esteem and the best way to recognize it is to question often and don’t perpetrate manipulation on others.
Puppets on a string? Break the string.
“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible” – Arthur C. Clark.

Manuel DaCosta/MS

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