Industry wants to zero plastic packaging in Canada’s landfills by 2030
The Canadian plastics industry aims to make all plastic packaging recyclable or ‘recoverable’ by 2030.
At the same time, environmental groups say they want to eliminate litter from single-use plastics like bags and cutlery by 2025.
The Canadian Plastics Industry Association and the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada announced Monday that they aim to make 100 per cent of plastic packaging recyclable or “recoverable” — divertable from landfills for use in products like chemical feedstocks, fuel and lubricants — by 2030.
The same day, a group of 33 environmental and civil society groups recommended that Canada require all provinces to aim to recycle at least 85 per cent of single-use plastics by 2025 and have the rest “captured” — that is, disposed of properly by landfill or incineration and not released into the environment.
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