
6 more weeks of winter, says Shubenacadie Sam

While the milder weather in some parts of Nova Scotia on Sunday was welcome news to many, the clear skies also meant a little critter famous for his weather predictions saw his shadow.

Shubenacadie Sam didn’t take long after he emerged from his burrow to make the call for six more weeks of winter on Sunday morning.

The annual Groundhog Day celebrations at the Shubenacadie Wildlife Parade were cancelled ahead of time over concerns about poor driving conditions from the weekend’s snow fall.

But the sun was shining in central and southwest Nova Scotia on Sunday morning — bad news for anyone hoping for an early spring.

According to Groundhog Day folklore, if the animal sees its shadow, winter will continue for another six weeks. But if not, spring will come early.

Sam is the first groundhog to make a spring prediction in North America each year.

But other groundhogs made different forecasts on Sunday.

Ontario’s Wiarton Willie and Pennsylvania’s Punxsutawney Phil did not see their shadows, calling for an early end to winter.


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